By Bernadette Clinton
As the speaking element is removed from the 2021 GCSE, will Year 10s be taught any speaking skills at all?
The closure of UK schools to all but the children of key workers and vulnerable children has had a major impact on the lives and learning of our young people. While many schools worked hard to provide online learning and a phased return for some year...
As she retires as CEO, Ann Carlisle considers developments to languages in the UK during a 40-year career, and what they mean for the present and future.
The world has changed dramatically and probably irreversibly in recent months, but looking back on a language career spanning 40 years – the last seven with CIOL – change has been a constant backdrop. The recent report ‘Towards a...
When Patch Magtanong failed to win Miss International 2019, fans in her native country were quick to blame the interpreter, who was accused of omitting parts of the Filipino contestant’s final speech. Trained to be ‘invisible’ conduits for communication, interpreters suddenly find themselves in the spotlight when working at the ‘Big Four’ pageants (Miss Universe, Miss World, Miss...
Mentoring is a great way to boost your career, either as a mentee working with a more experienced mentor to guide and support you through career challenges; or as a mentor using your skills and experience to help mentees whilst gaining new perspectives.
Our mentoring platform is designed to help you connect and get the best out of a mentoring relationship.
...By Hiba Bayyat MCIL/RPSI/DPSI-Law
‘No, you can cross this bit out, it is irrelevant’, that was the worst advice I was given whilst preparing my CV during an employability workshop a few years back. True story!
Nothing you have done in your life is irrelevant to what you are doing now or planning to do in the future. In fact all of your skills and experiences, past and present,...
By Allison Spangler, former Head of Resource Management at Surrey Translation Bureau
As Head of Resource Management at Surrey Translation Bureau, I always have an inbox full of CVs. I make sure to vet them carefully, but with so many to view, I normally scan for a few key points before diving into the details. The points I look for straightaway include things like language...
By Maria Cristina Petrizzi
Born in Brazil and a native speaker of Portuguese, from a young age, I have always been fascinated by foreign languages. English is definitely my favourite one and for over 35 years I have worked with it, first as a teacher and then as a translator and interpreter.
My career in translation started informally, but it didn’t take long until important...
By Jonathan Downie
Should interpreters adopt the marketing approaches of automated interpreting devices, asks Jonathan Downie.
“Imagine being able to snap your fingers and become fluent in twenty languages.” That may well be the dream. It is also the first line of an advert for a device that claims to be able to deliver “professional grade translation” by going “a step further”...
By Ceyda Aldemir-Down, MCIL Chartered Linguist
Growing up in Turkey, I studied English from the age of 11, and when I worked in a hostel for a year, it became a daily part of my life. As I read the English books left by visitors, it occurred to me that working with books and using my language skills is what would make me happy; I began by translating a romantic novel.
The Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL), Incorporated by Royal Charter, Registered in England and Wales Number RC 000808 and the IoL Educational Trust (IoLET), trading as CIOL Qualifications, Company limited by Guarantee, Registered in England and Wales Number 04297497 and Registered Charity Number 1090263.