Chartered Institute
of Linguists

Chartered Linguist Register

What is the Chartered Linguist Register?

The Chartered Linguist Register is held by CIOL in the public interest. The register is incorporated within the CIOL member check, in which chartership is indicated.

Chartered Linguists must be able to demonstrate competence as a practising linguist, based on a combination of qualifications, experience, current professional practice, and a commitment to maintaining skills and knowledge through continuing professional development.

All Chartered Linguists are listed on the CL register. Chartership is widely recognised as a trusted mark of professionalism and a badge of quality and competence.

In addition to meeting the CL Admissions Criteria all Chartered Linguists are bound by CIOL's Code of Professional Conduct. The principles within the code act as benchmarks for the conduct expected from a Chartered Linguist, providing valuable assurance to all users of language services.

What is the profile of a Chartered Linguist?


A Chartered Linguist will generally be educated to degree level or above in their non-native language. In addition they may hold a specialist qualification in translation and/or interpreting.


A Chartered Linguist will have a minimum of five years' practical experience, using their language skills in a professional context.

Current practice

A Chartered Linguist will be in current professional practice in one or a number of specialisms i.e. translating, interpreting, teaching or using languages in a business context.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

A Chartered Linguist will be committed to their ongoing professional development and will identify, through reflection, CPD activities required to develop their professional language skills and specialist knowledge.

Quality and Standards

A Chartered Linguist will demonstrate commitment to improving standards through adherence to the Code of Professional Conduct and membership of CIOL (or other qualifying organisation).

What are the requirements for Chartership?

A Chartered Linguist must:

  • Be a Member or Fellow of CIOL; or, members and fellows (or equivalent) of other qualifying organisations, currently the Institute of Translation & Interpreting (ITI) and the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC)
  • Be in current professional practice, with a proven CPD track record and at least five years' experience using their foreign language skills professionally
  • Meet and continue to meet the in full  CL Admissions Criteria to be awarded and to maintain chartership.

Chartered Linguists are issued with a practising certificate, reissued each year on renewal, in addition to confirmation that they continue to meet the CL admissions criteria.