Chartered Institute
of Linguists


Find-a-Linguist - Mr William SMYTH

Name: Mr William SMYTH MA DipTrans MCIL CL
City: Bagshot
Country: United Kingdom
Native language(s): ENGLISH
Language(s) of qualification: GERMAN
CIOL number: 31030
Membership number (pre-Autumn 2016): 022808
Membership grade: Member
Membership status: Current
Chartered?: Yes
Chartered Linguist section(s): CL (Translator)
Chartered Linguist number: 0087
Telephone number: +44(0)1276 472983
Banking and Finance: Banking, Finance, Economics
Business: Contracts, Marketing, Taxation
EU Matters: General and Political, Financial, Trade and Competition
Humanities: History, Religion
Insurance: Financial, Life and Pension
Law: Commercial, Contracts, Property
Other Skills: Editing, Proofreading
Statement: Specialist financial translator with over 25 years’ experience both inhouse and freelance. Areas covered include fixed income/equity research, economics, derivatives, fund management, regulation and related law. Hold CFA Level 2. Work for leading financial institutions in Germany, Switzerland and Luxembourg. Have also translated 2 historical works on Roman history and a German biographical dictionary.
Find-a-Linguist directory listing(s): Translation: GERMAN to ENGLISH