Chartered Institute
of Linguists

Language Specialist

Find-a-Linguist - Dr Ivan HON

Name: Dr Ivan HON BA MA MPhil PhD FCIL CL
City: London
Country: United Kingdom
Native language(s): CHINESE (CANTONESE)
Language(s) of qualification: CHINESE (MANDARIN), ENGLISH, JAPANESE
CIOL number: 28140
Membership number (pre-Autumn 2016): 024289
Membership grade: Fellow
Membership status: Current
Chartered?: Yes
Chartered Linguist section(s): CL (Interpreter), CL (Education)
Chartered Linguist number: 28140
Telephone number: +44(0)7904 396 977
Language Specialist: Language consultant
Statement: I interpret English and Chinese for government and public services., business meetings, as well as meetings between English lawyers and Chinese investors. I translate English, Chinese and Japanese materials on medicine, law and business for translation agencies. I translate and edit the website of Global China Institute. I assess the translation assignments of students at Mary Ward Centre and give them tutorials. I interpreted English, Japanese, Mandarin and Cantonese for a Japanese company from 1994 to 1996. I published “Working in East Asia” in The Linguist, which analysed the relationships between language and culture. I can read, understand and speak some French as well as Korean.