Preparation course providers are independent and CIOL Qualifications does not endorse, recommend or monitor preparation courses listed.
If you wish to register for an exam without attending a preparation course, it is possible to sit the exam via the CIOLQ Virtual Centre (online only) or at an exam venue which accepts external candidates. Candidates must contact the exam venue to confirm availability of space, facilities and to request confirmation of arrangements.
Contact us via or +44 (0)20 7940 3100.
Organisation name | Address | Country | Website, email, phone, contact name | Offers course? | Offers distance course? | Offers IT facilities? |
APeducation Online | Provident HouseBurrell RowBeckenham, KentBR3 1AT | United Kingdom |
Mr Abhinav Mujoo |
Yes | ||
Middlesex University | Centre for Business Development (CBD)College House1st Floor Room C174, The BurroughsLondonNW4 4BT | United Kingdom |
020 8411 5000
Brooke Townsley |
Yes | Yes | |
Ivoire Performance Universal College of Learning | 01 BP 5133Abidjan 01 | Côte d’Ivoire | +22557321290 | Yes | ||
KANTAI Translations | Business Centre 'St. Peterburg', Room 150520, Dostyk St.Astana | Kazakhstan |
Gaukhar Rysbekova |
Yes | Yes | |
Valencia Language Club | Carretera de Liiria142 46100 BurjassotValencia | Spain |
0034 689320063
Mrs Alejandra Arencibia |
Yes |
Preparation course providers are independent and CIOL Qualifications does not endorse, recommend or monitor preparation courses listed.
If you wish to register for an exam without attending a preparation course, it is possible to sit the exam via the CIOLQ Virtual Centre (online only) or at an exam venue which accepts external candidates. Candidates must contact the exam venue to confirm availability of space, facilities and to request confirmation of arrangements.
Contact us via or +44 (0)20 7940 3100.
Organisation name | Address | Country | Website, email, phone, contact name | Offers course? | Offers distance course? | Offers exam venue?(desc) |
Hammersmith & Fulham Adult Learning & Skills Service | Macbeth Centre, Macbeth StreetHammersmithLondonW6 9JJ | United Kingdom |
0208 753 3600
Ms Lisa Lamb |
Yes | Yes | June session |
Edinburgh College | Sighthill CampusBankhead AvenueSighthillEdinburghEH11 4DE | United Kingdom |
0131 535 4770
Ms Sarah-Jane Linton & Mrs Michelle Maurel |
Yes | June session | |
Global Language Services Ltd | Craig House60-64 Darnley StreetGlasgowG41 2SE | United Kingdom |
0141 429 3429 (ext 210)
Gilat Torem |
Yes | Yes | June session, November session |
The Language Academy – Sheffield | SYAC Training Centre120 WickerSheffieldS3 8JD | United Kingdom |
0114 2765 930 / 07774 065 650
Dr Muhammad Malik |
Yes | Yes | June session, November session |
Preparation course providers are independent and CIOL Qualifications does not endorse, recommend or monitor preparation courses listed.
If you wish to register for an exam without attending a preparation course, it is possible to sit the exam via the CIOLQ Virtual Centre (online only) or at an exam venue which accepts external candidates. Candidates must contact the exam venue to confirm availability of space, facilities and to request confirmation of arrangements.
Contact us via or +44 (0)20 7940 3100.